Sunday, September 2, 2012

Day 2 of The 31 Day Challenge

Day 2 :D
Ok, so let the orange-y-ness commence!! If you've seen a lot of orange around its because of the 31 day challenge!! I was really lazy and didn't want to do it, but I saw all the orange and remembered my orange holo I hadn't tried out yet.

It doesn't look so holo-y :( But when its a dollar polish, I guess you can't expect it to be, lol.

What I used:
Kleancolor Metallic Orange
Kleancolor Holo Orange

I'm keeping it short tonight, I have some pumpkin paper mache-ing to do.

Ok, see you guys tomorrow!!
Don't forget, yellow tomorrow!!

Take a look at what these ladies came up with!!


  1. I love this color orange! And not so bad for a dollar polish!

    1. Can't complain about those dollar polishes!! Actually a few of the Kleancolor polishes are better than some high dollar polishes. So I guess you win some and lose some? lol!

  2. Beautfull!!
    and like how you put the text in your picture haha
    following u! x
